The Couchaholics

88: Poop Knife

Craft beer boys Season 2 Episode 88

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Hey degenerates it’s that time again! We’re here with another episode for you. In this one we try some beers provided by Goober’s Diner. We’re a bit out of season on some of these beers but you’ll let that slide… right? Remember the geography bee? Me neither! We try to re-live it in this episode with some geographic trivia. We are not smart men… so enjoy us fumbling around 20 questions for a very nostalgic comedy mystery and a bonus movie. Please avoid listening to the episode in public when we get to the final game of the day. It may draw some attention. Thanks for listening! Prost!

Disclaimer: As fun as it is to kick back with friends and consume alcohol; The Couchaholics always condone drinking responsibly and never drink and drive... all of our opinions are our own,  and don't reflect upon the quality of any particular brewery or business. This podcast contains explicit language.


Brooklyn Brewery | Brooklyn Brown | Brown Ale
Two Roads Brewing | Holiday Ale | Farmhouse Ale
Founders Brewing | Centennial IPA | American IPA
Lagunitas Brewing Co | The Beast of Both Worlds | Bi-Coastal IPA
Cape May Brewing Co | Mexican Coffee Stout | Stout
Brewdog Brewing Co | It's a Beaut | Pecan & Coffee Stout

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